How to Perfect your Post-Processing in Photography

Post-Processing is an essential step in photography in which you can transform or manipulate a good image into a great one after it has been taken. If you sharpen your skills and perfect your post-processing than this can bring out character and emotions of a scene you witnessed. Understanding of post-processing is most important to get amazing photos. Editing a photo is one of the most essential steps in photography which is not always an easy task.

Lafhaj Studios is one of the most renowned wedding photographers in the USA. He is a creative wedding photographer who loves to capture wonderful wedding moments that one can cherish throughout their life. He is here to help you and share some information related to post-processing. So that you can sharpen your skills and learn how you can edit your photos by using different techniques.

The right type of editing software

Professional photographs used the most popular editing software such as Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom but they can cost prohibitive for beginners. If you are beginner then use some free editing software such as Picasa and these free editing software work great at the basic level.  Type of editing depends on the type of software you used. If you capture photographs by using smartphones they also have an editing software that can be used for editing purpose and also have different filters for adding cool effects.

Exposure adjustment is important in Photoshop and Lightroom. The post-processing is responsible to perfect that exposure. Adjusting exposure means to lighten or darken an image.

Clone stamps and the healing brush

You can adjust or crop out any unwanted elements by using these tools because of these unwanted element cause distraction in the frame. Clone stamps can make an exact replica of the selected portion of an image. The healing brush is a kind smarter clone stamp tool. If the small objects are surrounded by similar pixel than they can be removed by this tool. You can use the clone tool or patch tool to remove any dust spots in the image.

Adjust Saturation and contrast

After the adjustment of the horizon and the removal of unwanted elements, the next step is the adjustment of saturation and contrast. Keep one thing in your mind that often times adjusting exposure will affect the contrast. This problem can be fixed by adjusting the contrast slider in Lightroom. This improves the overall look of the adjusted image. By this adjustment, the brightest parts of the imager brighter and same for the darkest parts. You can use the Saturation slider used for the adjustment of saturation. If you don’t want your image looks too processed than using this tool with a light hand.

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